ConfDebugFile=Write messages to the following file:
ConfDebugLevels=Show messages of\u000athe following level:
ConfDebugShowConsole=Show messages in a separate window
ConfDebugTypes=Show messages belonging\u000ato the following subsystems:
JAP_finishForwardingServer=Finishing forwarding server
JAP_finishRandom=Waiting for random number generator
JAP_gnuNotCompatible=Unfortunately, JonDo is offically not compatible\u000awith the GNU Classpath library or GCJ, respective.\u000aIf JonDo unexpectedly runs on your system, please\u000ainform the JonDo-Team about that\u000a( We will then remove this\u000amessage. You could try the switch '--console' to\u000ause the console-only version of JonDo.\u000aOtherwise, please install another Java version,\u000ae.g. Sun-Java ( or\u000aBlackdown-Java (
accountDontOpen=The account data could not be opened. The password might be wrong.
accountFile=Account file
accountNr=Account Nr.
accountingPasswordCreateMessage=Please create a password for encrypting your account data.\u000aYou will be able to change this password in Preferences->Payment later on.
accountingPasswordEnterMessage=Please enter your password for decrypting your account data.
accountingPasswordTitle=Account password
activeCascadeDelete=The active cascade cannot be deleted.
activeCascadeEdited=You have edited the active cascade.\u000aYour changes will become operative when you have reconnected to the cascade.
addAccount=Add new account
addCascade=Add cascade
aiErrorMessage=The accounting instance has sent an error message:
#ConfAnon Module
availableCascades=Available services
biSelectionDialog=Select Payment Instance:
bttnDefaultConfig=Reset to default values
bttnDontEncrypt=Don't encrypt
bttnEncrypt=Encrypt using this password
bttnInsertConfig=Insert current settings
bttnMonitor= Availability of Mixes
bttnPing= Latency of Mixes
bttnSaveAs=Save as
cancelButton= Cancel
cascadeExistsDesc=This cascade already exists.
cascadeLostTitle=Connection lost
cascadeReachableBy=IP address
certInputError=Found no certificate in the given file. \u000aPlease check the path.
certInputErrorTitle=Certificate read error
certTrust=I only want to use servers certified by the following authorities
changePassword=Change password
#chkPressStartToCheck =Clique no bot\u00e3o Teste para contro\u00f4lar as cascatas
choosePassword=Please choose a password.
confActivateCheckBox= Activate anonymous web access
confAnonHost=First Mix:
confAnonName=Anon service:
confAnonPort=Port number:
confCertTab=Certificate Authorities
confCheckForUpgrade=Check for new updates
confListenerBorder=JonDo port number
confListenerTab=Port Listener
confLookAndFeelChanged=The look&feel will be changed \u000acorrectly after restarting JonDo.
confPort= Port number:
confPortButton= Change...
confProxyBorder= Proxy / Firewall
confProxyButton= Change...
confProxyCheckBox= I'm forced to use a Proxy
confProxyHost= Host:
confProxyPort= Port number:
confProxyTab= Proxy / Firewall
confStatus1= Status:
confStatus2= Status:
confTreeForwardingClientLeaf= Forwarding client
confTreeForwardingServerLeaf= Forwarding server
confTreeForwardingStateLeaf= Forwarding state
confTreeInfoServiceLeaf= InfoService
confViewChanged=Please restart JonDo to activate the new view.
controllerStatusMsgRoutingServerStopped=Forwarding server terminated.
controllerStatusMsgRoutingStartServer=Try to start forwarding server...
controllerStatusMsgRoutingStartServerError=Could not start forwarding server.
controllerStatusMsgRoutingStartServerSuccess=Forwarding server is running.
controllerStatusMsgRoutingStopServer=Try to stop forwarding server...
costconfirmations=Cost confirmations
creatingAccount=Creating account
creationDate=Creation date
deleteCascade=Delete cascade
deleteDialog=Deletion dialog
disableActCntMessage=For maximum privacy you should disable \u000aActive Contents in your Browser! \u000aRemember to change your Browser's \u000aproxy configuration to use JonDo... \u000a\u000aAttention! The use of the program for \u000aillegal purposes is strictly forbidden! \u000a\u000aYour JonDo-Team.
disableActCntMessageTitle=Short Reminder
downloadFailed=Download failed. Sorry. \u000aTry again later or visit the JonDonym website:
downloadingProgress=JonDo will be restarted in \u000aorder to run the new version.
downloadingProgressTitle=Loading new version from Internet...
dummyCascade=New cascade
enlargeWindow=Enlarge window
enterConfirmPassword=Confirm password:
enterNewPassword=New password:
enterOldPassword=Old password:
errWritingLog=Logfile cannot be written
errorAnonHostNotNull=Please enter a valid hostname for the anon service.
errorAnonServicePortWrong=Please enter a valid portnumber (0-65535) for the anon service.
errorCertificateInvalid=The Certificate shown by a Mix could not be verified to be trustworthy!
errorCertificateInvalidTitle=Error during Mix certificate check
errorCode=Error code
errorConnectingFirstMix=Error connecting the first MIX. Sorry, please try again later...
errorConnectingFirstMixTitle=Connection error
errorConnectingInfoService=Error contacting the JonDonym information service
errorCreateCascadeDesc=Could not create or edit cascade
errorFirewallAuthUserID=Please enter a valid username for the HTTP-Proxy.
errorFirewallAuthUserIDNotNull=Please enter a username
errorFirewallHostNotNull=Please enter a valid hostname for the HTTP-Proxy.
errorFirewallModeNotSupported=The selected anon service probably does not support connecting via a a proxy.\u000aPlease try another anon service if you get an error!
errorFirewallModeNotSupportedTitle=Connection method not supported
errorFirewallPortWrong=Please enter a valid portnumber (0-65535) for the HTTP-Proxy.
errorFirewallServicePortWrong=Invalid port
errorInfoServiceHostNotNull=Please enter a valid hostname for the InfoService.
errorInfoServicePortWrong=Please enter a valid portnumber (0-65535) for the InfoService.
#Hint: the phrase '{0,number,#####}' MUST be included in all translations of the following message, because it's a format pattern
errorListenerPort=JonDo cannot listen on port {0,number,#####}. Maybe another JonDo is already running?\u000aIt might also be the case that a personal Firewall is blocking JonDo. If you have one, please \u000acheck it and unblock the application (java.exe/jawaw.exe). It's also possible \u000athat another program is using this port. In this case, please change the port JonDo is using.\u000aJonDo will not work until this problem has been fixed!
errorListenerPortTitle=Error while starting JonDo
errorListenerPortWrong=Please enter a valid portnumber (1024-65535) for the Listener.
errorListenerPortsAreEqual=Please enter different portnumbers \u000afor Listener and SOCKS support.
errorMixFirstMixSigCheckFailed=Signature check of first MIX failed!
errorMixProtocolNotSupported=This version of JonDo does not support the protocol\u000arequired to connect to the chosen anonymizing server.\u000aPlease update to a newer version of JonDo.
errorMixProtocolNotSupportedTitle=Error connecting the anon service
errorNeedNewerJava=JonDo will run with a 1.1.3 or higher version of Java (or Kaffe >=1.0.6) only! \u000aYou will find more information at the JonDonym webpage.
errorPleaseSelectAnonService=Please select an anon service.
errorSocksListenerPortWrong=Please enter a valid port number (1024-65535) for the SOCKS Listener.
errorSwingNotInstalled=JonDo needs the Swing library to run properly. \u000aYou will find more information at the JonDonym webpage.
exportAccountFile=Export accountfile
fetchingMethods=Fetching payment options...
fetchingTransferNumber=Fetching transfer number...
firewallMustNotUse=There is no need to use a proxy
firewallMustUse=Using of proxy is enabled
firewallNotConfigured=Not configured
forwardingClientDesc=If you cannot reach the IP address of the anonymity service<br>because it is blocked in the firewall, by your ISP or government<br>you can configure your JonDo as a forwarding client<br>to access the service with the help of forwarding servers.
forwardingExplainMessage=You are going to activate the forwarding function. \u000aIt allows other JonDo users to connect to an anonymising\u000aserver via your JonDo. This will support people who are\u000anot able to connect directly (maybe because of\u000acensorship). This is free of costs for you.
forwardingExplainMessageTitle=Description of the forwarder
forwardingServerStart=Forwarding server ON
gui.CertDetailsDialog=Certificate details
gui.CertDetailsDialog_alertCertNotYetValid=The certificate is not yet valid.
gui.CertDetailsDialog_alertCertValidityExpired=The certificate validity has expired.
gui.CertDetailsDialog_alertSelfSigned=This is a self-signed certificate and not trusted.
gui.CertDetailsDialog_alertSignatureNotTrusted=The certificate is not signed by a trusted certificate authority.
gui.CertDetailsDialog_titleValidityFrom=Valid from
gui.CertDetailsDialog_titleValidityTo=Valid until
gui.ClipFrame_empty=The text area is empty.
gui.CountryMapper_AG= Antigua and Barbuda
gui.CountryMapper_AQ= Antarctica
gui.CountryMapper_AS= American Samoa
gui.CountryMapper_AX= Aeland Islands
gui.CountryMapper_BV= Bouvet Island
gui.CountryMapper_CC= Cocos (Keeling) Islands
gui.CountryMapper_CD= Congo, Democratic Rep.
gui.CountryMapper_CK= Cook Islands
gui.CountryMapper_CS= Serbia and Montenegro
gui.CountryMapper_CX= Christmas Islands
gui.CountryMapper_ChooseCountry=Please choose a country
gui.CountryMapper_FK= Falkland Islands
gui.CountryMapper_FO= Faroe Islands
gui.CountryMapper_GB=United Kingdom
gui.CountryMapper_GD= Grenada
gui.CountryMapper_GI= Gibraltar
gui.CountryMapper_GL= Greenland
gui.CountryMapper_GS= South Georgia
gui.CountryMapper_GU= Guam
gui.CountryMapper_HM= Heard Islands and McDonlads Isl.
gui.CountryMapper_IO= British Ind.Ocean Territory
gui.CountryMapper_KN= Saint Kitts and Nevis
gui.CountryMapper_KY= Cayman Islands
gui.CountryMapper_LC= Saint Lucia
gui.CountryMapper_MH= Marshall Islands
gui.CountryMapper_MO= Macao
gui.CountryMapper_MP= Northern Mariana Islands
gui.CountryMapper_MV= Maldives
gui.CountryMapper_MW= Malawi
gui.CountryMapper_NF= Norfolk Island
gui.CountryMapper_NR= Nauru
gui.CountryMapper_PM= Saint Claire and Miquelon
gui.CountryMapper_PN= Pitcairn
gui.CountryMapper_PS= Palestinian Territory
gui.CountryMapper_PW= Palau
gui.CountryMapper_RE= Reunion
gui.CountryMapper_SB= Solomon Islands
gui.CountryMapper_SH= Saint Helena
gui.CountryMapper_SJ= Svalbard and Jan Mayen
gui.CountryMapper_SM= San Marino
gui.CountryMapper_ST= Sao Tome and Principe
gui.CountryMapper_TC= Turks and Caicos Islands
gui.CountryMapper_TL= Timor-Leste
gui.CountryMapper_TV= Tuvalu
gui.CountryMapper_UM= US minor outlying Islands
gui.CountryMapper_VC= Saint Vincent and Grenadines
gui.CountryMapper_WF= Wallis and Futuna
gui.FlippingPanel_clickToShow=Click for details
gui.GUIUtils_copyFromClip=You may now copy this text and save it to a file.
gui.GUIUtils_pasteFile=Paste the content of a file to be opened in the area provided.
gui.GUIUtils_savedToClip=Saving to clipboard was successful. You may now copy the content to another location.
gui.JAPDll_confirmOverwrite=The file {0} already exists. Do you want to overwrite the file?
gui.JAPDll_couldNotSave=Could not save the file in the specified location.
gui.JAPDll_permissionProblem=It was not possible to create the file {0}. Please ensure that you have the necessary permissions.
gui.JAPDll_updateFailed=Unfortunately, the update of {0} in directory {1} was not successfull. The file was not updated. Please read the help for further information. Without this update, there might be some problems with the graphical user interface of JonDo. <br><br> Would you like to save the file to an other directory and update it by yourself?
gui.JAPDll_updateRestartMessage=The {0} library must be updated. Please restart JonDo to do this.
gui.JAPHelp_errorExtURL=Could not load external URL. Please copy the link to the clipbboard and paste it into the address bar of your web browser:
gui.JAPHelp_helpMenuItem=Help topics
gui.JAPJIntField_noValidInteger="{0}" is not a valid integer for {1}.
htmlAnonModeOff= <CENTER><H1>Anon mode off</H1><P>Anon mode off!!! <BR>Your requests will be observable.<BR>Switch anon mode <B>ON</B><br>If you want to go on surfing observable, <br>allow the non-anonymous websurfing via "Config->Services ->General->Deny all data traffic..." <br> or via the dialog that is shown if this setting is not activated. <br> If so, you need to set the anonymity switch shortly to "On" and "Off" before a direct connection is possible again.<br><HR SIZE=1 WIDTH=200><A HREF="">Surf without protection ...</A><HR SIZE=1 WIDTH=200>JonDo Anonymity & Privacy</CENTER>
iconifyWindow=Iconify Window
importAccountFile=Import accountfile
infoAboutCascade=Information about selected service
jap.ConfigAssistant_anonTest=Your browser is now configured properly for JonDo usage. <br> \u000aNext, switch anonymity in the JonDo main window to "On". Surf a little bit on the web to test the connection to the anonymizer service.
jap.ConfigAssistant_browserConf=Now you have to register JonDo in EACH of your browsers as a so-called "proxy". Hint: JonDo does only support passive FTP, that means no uploads. We recommend to even set proxy settings on JonDo that JonDo does not support, to avoid an accidental deanonymisation.
jap.ConfigAssistant_browserTest=Please switch anonymity to "Off" in the JonDo main window now and after that, request a web site with your browser. JonDo should now display a warning and prevent you from surfing until you have chosen "{0}" and have confirmed with "Yes".
jap.ConfigAssistant_clickToViewHelp=Click here to see a context specific help.
jap.ConfigAssistant_deactivateActiveContent=Your connection to the anonymizer service is ready. You should now configure your browser in a way it does not leave any "traces", in particular that is does not execute active content (Java, JavaScript, ActiveX, Flash,...). Otherwise it might be possible to revoke your anonymity via "backdoors".
jap.ConfigAssistant_errorConnectionSlow=Connection established but websurfing is too slow
jap.ConfigAssistant_errorNoConnection=Connecting to anonymizer service not possible
jap.ConfigAssistant_errorNoServiceAvailable=I tried all services but did not get any connection
jap.ConfigAssistant_errorNoSurfing=Connection established but websurfing is not possible
jap.ConfigAssistant_errorNoWarning=JonDo shows no warning and surfing is not possible
jap.ConfigAssistant_errorNoWarningAndSurfing=No warning from JonDo. Websites are being loaded normally
jap.ConfigAssistant_errorWarningInBrowser=The JonDo warning is shown in the browser window only (not in an info-box)
jap.ConfigAssistant_errorWarningNoSurfing=JonDo shows the warning but websurfing is not possible
jap.ConfigAssistant_explainBadConnection=The currently chosen service may be overloaded. Just connect to another service by clicking on the choice panel in the main window, there on the preferred service and after that switching anonymity to "On".
jap.ConfigAssistant_explainNoConnection=Maybe the currently selected service is not available at present. Choose another service by clicking on the choice field in the main window and switch the Anonimity to ON.
jap.ConfigAssistant_explainNoDirectConnection=First of all check if you are connected to the internet. Maybe another proxy had been set in your browser before you have changed the proxy setting. In this case, you maybe have to set this data in JonDo itself as proxy in order to get a connection to the internet.
jap.ConfigAssistant_explainNoServiceAvailable=Your internet connection may be too slow. Increase the login timeout by clicking on the button "{0}" in the main window, then on "{1}"->"{2}" (available in "{3}" only).<br><br>If JonDo is blocked by your provider, you may try to connect to a forwarding server. These are JonDo users that voluntarily provide some of their bandwidth for you.<br><br>To this, click on the button "{4}" in the main window, then in the left menu on "{5}", activate the forwarding client function and after that, retry to connect to a service.
jap.ConfigAssistant_explainNoWarning=Please check first if anonymity is set to "Off" (for this test). If no warning was shown or you even could request the web site without confirmation, the proxy settings in your browser are not set correctly. Please re-read the help for the right proxy settings of your browser.
jap.ConfigAssistant_explainWarningInBrowser=You have forbidden JonDo to allowing data traffic as long as the anonymity mode is set to "Off". Please undo this setting for this test by first clicking on the button "{0}" in the JonDo main window. After that, switch in the right window to "{1}" and deactivate setting "{2}".
jap.ConfigAssistant_finished=Congratulations, you have successfully installed JonDo! By now, the complete data traffic of your web browser runs over JonDo and thereby over several inter-connected servers, is encrypted and hidden in the data traffic of other users. Have a lot of fun with our anonymizer tool!
jap.ConfigAssistant_help=If you have questions to functions in JonDo that are not answered by this assistant, you may consult the help files at any time. For this purpose, just click on the according button in the lower left corner of the main window. Furthermore, you will get more help on our homepage:
jap.ConfigAssistant_makeSelection=Please make a selection
jap.ConfigAssistant_otherBrowsers=Other browsers
jap.ConfigAssistant_reallyClose=You have not yet completed the installation assistant. Do you really want to stop?
jap.ConfigAssistant_selectView=You may use JonDo either in a simplified view that only contains the most frequently used control elements, or in an extended view that gives you full control over the program. The simplified view is recommended for unexperienced users.
jap.ConfigAssistant_selectViewRestart=JonDo will restart after finishing the assistent to present the selected view ({0}).
jap.ConfigAssistant_setNewLanguage=You have selected a language different from the one that has been recognized automatically. JonDo will be restarted now to make the change take effect. You may continue the assistant after restart.
jap.ConfigAssistant_successConnection=Connection established, websurfing is fine
jap.ConfigAssistant_successWarning=The warning is shown. Websurfing is possible after confirmation
jap.ConfigAssistant_title=Installation assistant
jap.ConfigAssistant_welcome=Welcome to JonDo! JonDo protects you from being observed while surfing the WWW, e.g. against providers, web site operators and even the anonymizer service itself.<br><br>This assistant should help you to make your first steps with JonDo. You may control the JonDo user interface while the assistant is shown. To do so, you may need to move the assistant's window.
jap.JAPAboutNew_dllVersion=Dll version
jap.JAPAboutNew_version=JonDo version
jap.JAPConfAnonGeneral_RestrictAutoChoosing=Restrict automatic cascade change to the following mix cascades
jap.JAPConfAnonGeneral_explainAssignServices=Here you may assign internet\u000aservices to anonymizer services.
jap.JAPConfAnonGeneral_explainAssignServicesBeta=Here you see the assignment\u000aof internet services to \u000aanonymizer services. In a\u000alater JonDo version, changing the\u000aassignment will be possible,\u000atoo.
jap.JAPConfAnonGeneral_titleAssignServices=Assignment of internet services to anonymizer services
jap.JAPConfAnonGeneral_tooltipServiceDeactivated=This service is currently deactivated.
jap.JAPConfAnon_anonLevel=Anonymity level
jap.JAPConfAnon_blacklisted=Excluded by yourself
jap.JAPConfAnon_explainBlacklisted=You have excluded this service. If you would like to undo this exclusion, click on the checkbox to the left of the service.
jap.JAPConfAnon_explainMixTT=Click here to get information about this mix type.
jap.JAPConfAnon_explainNotTrustworthy=This service is excluded because of your filter settings "{0}" and may not be used. Switch to another cascade filter to reactivate this service.
jap.JAPConfAnon_explainPiUnavailable=Sorry, the Payment Instance correlated to this cascade is unknown. No connection is possible.
jap.JAPConfAnon_firstMixText=JonDo always contacts only the first Mix in a so-called anonymizer cascade. This one forwards the multiple encrypted user requests to the next Mix and sends equally encrypted answers to JonDo. It therefore knows the users' identity (IP address), but neither their communication contents nor their communication partners. <br> Note: this only holds for cascades (more than 1 Mix).
jap.JAPConfAnon_lastMixText=The last mix in a mix cascade receives the user requests from a predecessor middle mix, decrypts and sends them to the internet and, after multiple encryption, returns the responses (e.g. from websites) to its predecessor. Thus it does not know the identity of the users, but may look at the communication content and knows the communication partners.
jap.JAPConfAnon_middleMixText=A middle Mix sends and receives multiply encrypted messages from and to, respectively, its predecessor and successor mixes. It therefore does neither know the users' identity nor their communication content and communication partners.
jap.JAPConfCert_noCheckWarning=You have deactivated the certificate validation. Smart attackers can now send bogus messages to JonDo and, for example, fake certified services. The program will be very insecure this way! Any automatic connection on program start is forbidden until this problem is resolved.
jap.JAPConfInfoService_allowDirectConnection=Allow non-anonymous (direct) connections to InfoServices
jap.JAPConfInfoService_explanation=The more InfoServices are asked about available Mix cascades and InfoServices,<br>the more robust JonDo is against flaws in the InfoServices themselves,<br>but the longer the query of this information takes on the other hand. <br>(Recommended number: {0})
jap.JAPConfInfoService_reallyDelete=Do you really want to delete this manually inserted InfoService?
jap.JAPConfInfoService_useMoreIS=Do redundant requests on different InfoServices
jap.JAPConfNetwork_accessToJAP=Access to JonDo
jap.JAPConfNetwork_listenerChanged=Don't forget to change the proxy-settings in your browser(s)!
jap.JAPConfNetwork_slowAntiCensorship=You only need this function if your provider blocks access to our services. The connection through anti-censorship is very slow and partially unstable. Moreover, it will be more difficult to connect.
jap.JAPConfNetwork_slowAntiCensorshipQuestion=Would you like to activate anti-censorship now?
jap.JAPConfTrust_warningTrustFilter=By altering the trust settings one ore more services may be hidden. You cannot connect to these services anymore, but you may undo this setting at any time.
jap.JAPConfUI_couldNotRemove=Could not remove Look&Feel class.
jap.JAPConfUI_dialogFormatGoldenRatio=Golden Ratio
jap.JAPConfUI_dialogFormatTest=If you are pleased with the aspect ratio of this dialog, you should keep this setting. Otherwise you may simply choose another aspect ratio. All dialogs will then be displayed in this aspect ratio.
jap.JAPConfUI_dialogFormatTest2=This is a second test for your optimal dialog size. The text is a little bit shorter than the previous one.
jap.JAPConfUI_incompatibleJava=Your Java version is too old to use this feature. Please update your Java runtime environment.
jap.JAPConfUI_lblDialogFormat=Dialog format
jap.JAPConfUI_lnfChanged=The classes read have altered your current look&feel. To avoid problems with the graphical presentation, you should restart JonDo now.
jap.JAPConfUI_miniOnTop=Minimized view always on top
jap.JAPConfUI_miniOnTopTT=This function only works starting with Java 1.5 or, when running windows, with help of the jappdll.
jap.JAPConfUI_noLNFFound=Could not load any Look&Feel classes. Either the specified file does not contain such classes, or your Java version is not compatible with the classes in the file.
jap.JAPConfUI_noNativeLibrary=At the moment, this functionality is only supported for Windows operating systems.
jap.JAPConfUI_noNativeWindowsLibrary=The library (japdll) that is needed for this functionality could not be loaded.
jap.JAPConfUI_restartToUnload=You should restart JonDo to completely unload the deleted Look&Feel classes.
jap.JAPConfUI_titleImport=Import Look&Feel
jap.JAPConfUI_warningImportLNF=Please use Look&Feel files from trusted sources only, as they may contrain arbitrary malicious code that would be executed after import!
jap.JAPConfUI_warningOnClosingJAP=Show Warning when closing JonDo
jap.JAPConfUpdate_remindJavaUpdate=Show information window when a new version of Java (JRE) is available
jap.JAPConfUpdate_remindOptionalUpdate=Show information window if a new JonDo version is available
jap.JAPConf_askResetDefaults=This command resets all of your changes to the default configuration. Do you really want to continue?
jap.JAPConf_detaillevel=Detail level of \u000alog messages:
jap.JAPConf_needRestart=The following configuration changes require a restart of JonDo: {0} Would you like to accept these changes and restart JonDo?
jap.JAPConf_readPanelHelp=To this, click on the button "{0}" in the main window, then choose the menu item "{1}" and read the appropriate help entry.
jap.JAPController_accountNotSaved=You have not made a backup for at least one of your accounts. This is dangerous, as you may loose your account data in case of an error in JonDo. Would you like to close JonDo nevertheless?
jap.JAPController_account_password= Please enter the password for your account data
jap.JAPController_accpassword=Please enter a password.
jap.JAPController_accpasswordenter=Please enter the password for your account with number {0}.
jap.JAPController_allowunprotected=Anonymity ist off! Do you want to continue surfing nevertheless?
jap.JAPController_askForReconnectOnError=If you like, JonDo will auto-reconnect in case of connection errors instead of showing an error message. Should JonDo do this configuration setting for you?
jap.JAPController_askForSwitchOnError=If you like, JonDo will automatically connect to another service in case of non-recoverable connection errors, instead of showing an error message. Should JonDo do this configuration setting for you?
jap.JAPController_askWhichVersion=You currently use the beta version of JonDo, but you have now the possibility to switch to the new (really) stable version.
jap.JAPController_cascadeNotParsable=The information concerning this connection could not be processed correctly!
jap.JAPController_cascadeNotTrusted=This service is not trusted according to your trust settings!
jap.JAPController_closingDialogs=Closing dialogs
jap.JAPController_dialog_account_password= Account data password
jap.JAPController_disableGoodByMessage= JonDo will be shut down. Please reset your proxy configuration in order to surf the web without JonDo.
jap.JAPController_encryptaccount=You have created payment accounts in this JonDo session for the first time. There is a private key for each account which must be stored securely. Therefore, you have the opportunity to encrypt your account data now. If you encrypt your account data you will have to enter your password for decryption at every start of JonDo. Do you want to encrypt your account data now?
jap.JAPController_isNotAllowed=You disallow InfoService communication via non anonymous connections, but you are not connected to any anonymity service! Therefore JonDo currently cannot request information about available services or updates. Would you like to allow non-anonymous connections to InfoServices again?
jap.JAPController_loseaccountdata=If you do not enter your password, you cannot use your accounts in the current JonDo session. Do you really want to cancel?
jap.JAPController_newOptionalVersion=A new version of JonDo ({0}) is available. Would you like to update now?
jap.JAPController_paymentDamaged=The account data could not be read successfully. One or more of your accounts may get lost if you proceed. You should close JonDo and contact our support ( Would you like to proceed (on your own risk)?
jap.JAPController_reallyAutoConnect=This JonDo version is optimized for automatic connection management, that means JonDo can autonomously connect to anonymizer services and reconnect in case of an error. Would you like JonDo to connect to an anonymizer service right on program start, too?
jap.JAPController_repeatEnterAccountPassword=It seems that there are some accounts that are encrypted with another password. You might have denied to enter it in a previous JonDo session. Please enter this password now.
jap.JAPController_stoppingProxy=Stopping local proxy
jap.JAPController_versionDeveloper=Beta Version
jap.JAPController_versionRelease=Stable Version
jap.JAPController_waitingAnon=Waiting for anonymity service
jap.JAPController_waitingIS=Waiting for InfoService threads
jap.JAPNewView_anonymeterToolTip=Please click here for explanation
jap.JAPNewView_antiCensorship=Anti-censorship mode is active
jap.JAPNewView_cascadeNotTrusted=This service is not trusted according to your trust settings!
jap.JAPNewView_deleteMessage=Delete message
jap.JAPNewView_deleteMessageExplain=This message has been received automatically from the InfoService. If you do not want it to be displayed any more, you may delete it now.
jap.JAPNewView_errorDisconnected=Connection to anonymity service has been interrupted!
jap.JAPNewView_errorProxy=Proxy server has reported an error!
jap.JAPNewView_isDisabled=InfoService disabled!
jap.JAPNewView_isDisabledExplain=You have forbidden JonDo to automatically fetch information about the state of the current service, about available services and updates. This may seriously restrict the functionality of JonDo. Do you want to allow the automatic InfoService requests again?
jap.JAPNewView_isDisabledTooltip=Click here for further information
jap.JAPNewView_lblEncryptedData=Encrypted data transferred
jap.JAPNewView_lblHTTPData=World Wide Web (HTTP)
jap.JAPNewView_lblOtherData=Other internet services
jap.JAPNewView_newServicesFoundExplanation=One or more new services where found. These services might be faster, more secure, more stable or better reachable than the service you are using now. If you are discontent with your current service, you may choose one of the new ones by clicking on the choice field "{0}" in the main window.
jap.JAPNewView_noCosts=Free of charge
jap.JAPNewView_noRealPayment=The payment function is still in the testing phase. You only pay with play money.
jap.JAPNewView_observableExplain=The service you are connected to is run by one single Operator only. The Operator could - maybe by force - observe any of your actions.<br><br>Recommendation: Change to a Mix cascade service. These are operated by two or more independent organisations on two or more servers in a chain. An observation by single operators is thereby technically excluded.
jap.JAPNewView_oldJava=Installed Java Version: <br> <i>{0}, {1}</i> <br> New Version: <br> <i>{2}, {3}</i> <br> <br> Download and install the new Java Runtime Environment (JRE) from the {4} homepage, close JonDo and after that uninstall the old Java version(s).<br><br>Download source:
jap.JAPNewView_oldJavaHint=A new version of your Java runtime environment ({0}) is available. As it might contain security relevant changes, you should update as soon as possible. Do you want to update now?
jap.JAPNewView_openFirefox=Launch browser
jap.JAPNewView_titleOldJava=New Java version available
jap.JAPNewView_tooltipNewServicesFound=One or more new services were found.
jap.JAPNewView_trustAll=All services
jap.JAPNewView_update=Update available
jap.JAPNewView_updateToolTip=Click here to update
jap.JAPNewView_viewMessage=Click here to view the message in your web browser
jap.JAPNewView_withCosts=With costs
jap.JAPViewIconified_ttSwitchAnonymity=Click here to switch anonymity on and off
jap.ServerListPanel_mixClick=Click on the Mix icons to get information about the\u000aindividual operators of this service.
jap.StatusPanel_clickHere=Click here
jap.SystrayPopupMenu_anonymityMode=Anonymity mode
jap.SystrayPopupMenu_currentService=Current service ({0}{1}) account is being created. Please be patient... have created an account for the first time. Please enter a password for encrypting your account data. If you do not enter a password, your account data will be stored unencrypted. If you enter a password, you will be asked for it every time you start JonDo. activation has been successful! transaction has been recorded, please initiate payment now. To recall information on how to pay, click on "Details" in the transaction overview dialog. Moreover, you may get your current account state by clicking on "Reload". non-anonymous (direct) connections to Payment Instances when closing JonDo and not all accounts are backed up account data has been saved to the JonDo configuration file. We recommend to export your account into an additional file for backup. If you would lose your account data, you would also lose the money charged to the account! wizard will guide you through the necessary steps for charging your account. account is used in the current anonymous connection. Do you want to disconnect and proceed, or cancel the operation? cannot change the active account as long as you are connected to a cascade.<br>Please disconnect first. coupon could not be redeemed. coupon has been sent. new account data could not be saved. If you do not save your account data before charging, you will lose all the money you charge it with when you close JonDo! Payment Instance can not be contacted. Maybe it is offline at the moment. Please try again later. data password Payment Instance cannot be contacted as you have denied non-anonymous access to it and you are currently not connected to any anonymizer service. Would you like to allow non-anonymous connections to the Payment Instance by now? accounts are encrypted with the same password. while deleting account! seems that your internet access provider blocks your access to the Payment Instance. Please repeat the process via another internet connection or via a (non-payment) anonymity service. account was exported successfully. Please keep this file in a safe place, as you will need it to recreate your account in case your JonDo configuration is damaged. account will now be exported to a file for safety reasons. Please store the file in a safe place.<br><br>The account data contains the private key which should not be readable by anyone else. To protect your account, JonDo can encrypt the account data, so that a password is needed to use it again. payment instances from InfoService payment has been recorded. Provided that you confirmed it on the paysafecard website, it will be credited to your account. you cannot read the given text, please click on "{0}". image another brain-fucking image, dude! Payment Instance cannot be contacted. This might be because the connection is blocked. Please connect to a (non-payment) anonymity service via JonDo and retry. credit left not finished account could not be exported. failed. Please check the data you entered, and try again later. old password is wrong. balance for this account is old.<br>Would you like to request a new account statement now to be sure there really is no credit left? data to Payment Instance... payment information has been submitted to the Payment Instance. Please be aware that charging your account may take a while. You can check if your account has been charged by pressing "Reload".<br><br>You can finish the wizard now. error messages from accounting instance (deactivate for debugging purposes only!) shows a confirm dialog before using a service with costs details for this transaction and Conditions {0} and Conditions for this account here to view the terms and conditions for this account. connection to Payment Instance here to activate the account expired. You cannot recharge this account here to make a backup of this account number details available until account is empty. connection is now closed. Would you like to get automatically connected to another service in case of future errors? in Euros: this service is experimental. After updates of the payment software, an access to this service may only be possible with the newest beta version of JonDo. phase of the payment system, completely free of charge! account is nearly empty. Would you like to create a new account? contract will expire in a few days. You should create a new account if you would like to continue using the JonDonym services with costs. don't have any active account! Please activate one of your accounts or create a new account. Flatrate you do not have a charged account. However, there are open payments for one or more of your accounts. If not already done, please complete the payment for at least one of your accounts, or have a little patience until we have accounted your payment.<br><br>You may also create a new account. Would you like to do this now? and how much will I have to pay for JonDonym? or more price certificates of this cascade are invalid. account could not be verified. The Payment Instance might be unavailable at present. simultaneous logins for the same account are not allowed. Please use another account to connect to this cascade. JonDo has refused to send an account certificate! refused to send a current balance. There may be some problems at the Payment Instance. JonDo has refused to send a cost confirmation! chosen flat rate is not accepted by this cascade. not found. is partially wrong. data format fill in all fields. payment information could not be sent to the Payment Instance.<br>Please try again later. payment information has been submitted to the Payment Instance.<br>Please be aware that charging your account<br>may take a while.<br>You can check if your account has been charged<br>by pressing "Reload".<br><br>You can finish the wizard now. accept the cancellation policy not retrieve cancellation policy, please refer to our website at payment methods marked with * take a very large cut of the proceeds, please use other options if at all possible selected option is not supported by JonDo. Please update your JonDo version. price per MB is 1 Euro-Cents (fictional money). will be for the plan you selected: could open the web page for payment in my browser. open the link in a browser in order to pay. If you cannot access it using the anonymisation service, you should temporarily allow a non-anonymous connection to this site. Moreover, you may need cookies on this page. will perform the payment as described. confirm that you want to perform this payment. create a new account or chose another payment method. to pay with your Paysafecard order to create an account, you first have to accept the terms and conditions Terms and Conditions accept the terms and conditions terms and conditions failed. Please refer to the terms and conditions posted online at Terms and Conditions choose a plan enter a complete coupon (16 characters) enter a valid coupon code here choose a plan
mixminionBorderPreferences=Preferences for anonymous routing
mixminionBttnChangePassword=Change password
mixminionBttnFetchRouters=Fetch list
mixminionBttnResetKeyring=Reset keyring
mixminionEMail=My e-mail address:
mixminionEMailSettings=E-Mail settings for response e-mails
mixminionErrorFetchRouters=Error while downloading the Miximinion server list
mixminionKeyring=Configure keyring
mixminionPrefPathLen=Nodes per connection:
newVersionAvailable=A new version of JonDo ({0}) is available. You will have to update JonDo for further usage. Would you like to update now?
newVersionAvailableTitle= Download JonDo
newVersionLoaded= A new version of JonDo has been downloaded to your computer. \u000a\u000aYou must restart the program after exit. \u000a\u000aJonDo will exit now!
newVersionNo= Cancel
newVersionYes= Update
ngAccountDetails=Show details
ngAccountDetailsTxt= Details for account
ngActivity= Activity:
ngAnonOff= Off
ngAnonOn= On
ngAnonymitaet= Anonymity
ngBttnAnonDetails= Details
ngCascadeReloadTooltip=Click to update available servers
ngConfAnonGeneralDisableCertCheck=Use servers without certificate (not recommended!)
ngConfAnonGeneralSendDummy=Send dummy packet every
ngCouldNotFindBrowser=JonDo was unable to find your web browser.<br>Please launch your browser manually and point it to the following URL:
ngCouldNotFindBrowserTitle=Could not find browser
ngDeleteAccount=Delete account
ngDeleteAccountCreditLeft=<html>There is still credit left on your account.<br>Do you really want to delete this account?</html>
ngDeleteAccountOldStmt=<html>The statement for this account is old.<br>Would you like to request a new one now,<br>to be sure you know the current credit?</html>
ngDeleteAccountStatement=<html>Would you like to request an account statement from the Payment Instance first<br> to be sure there is no credit left?</html>
ngFetchTransferNumber=<html>To charge your account, JonDo needs to request a transfer number at the Payment Instance first.<br>JonDo will then try to launch your web browser<br>and point you to the Payment Instance's web interface where you will be guided<br>through the rest of the transaction<br><br>To ensure anonymous payment it is recommended that you connect<br>to one of the free mix cascades before you proceed.<br><br>Would you like to charge your account now?</html>
ngForwardedConnections=Forwarded connections:
ngForwardedTraffic=Forwarded traffic:
ngForwardedUsedBandwidth=Bandwidth used:
#new gui
ngMixComboAvailableServers=<html><i>Filters for available services:</i></html>
ngMixComboNoServers=No data available - Please reload the list.
ngMixComboUserServers=Services added by user:
ngNoStatement=<html>You have not yet fetched an account statement<br>Would you like to request a current statement from the Payment Instance now?</html>
ngNoStatementTitle=No account statement
ngNrOfUsers=Number of users
ngOldStatementTitle=Old account statement
ngOwnTraffic= Own anonymized data:
ngOwnTrafficOther= other Internet services:
ngOwnTrafficWWW= belonging to World Wide Web:
ngPasswordDecrypt=Please type a password for decryption.
ngPaymentRecharge=You should recharge your account.
ngReallyDeleteAccount=<html>Do you really want to delete this account?</html>
ngSettingsStartBorder=Program start
ngSettingsViewBorder=View of JonDo
ngSettingsViewNormal=Extended view
ngSettingsViewSimplified=Simplified view
ngStatement=Fetch account statement
ngStatementDate=Date of last account statement:
ngTransferNumberError=An error occured while requesting the transfer number:
ngTreeDebugging= Debugging
ngTreeNetwork= Network
ngUIPanelTitle=User interface
ngViewAfterStart=After start of JonDo... the minimal view
ngViewSystray=...move JonDo into the systray
no Account=No account
noCascadesAvail=No services available
noOptions= No options to configure ...
northPath= north.gif
notDeleted=not deleted!
notYetImlmplemented= Not yet implemented. Sorry!
okButton= OK
ownTrafficBorder= Own traffic
ownTrafficBytes= Amount:
ownTrafficChannels= Activity:
passwdDlgInput=Please enter your password for the following proxy:
passwdDlgTitle=Authorization for proxy access
passwdDlgUserID=User ID
password= Password
passwordAgain= Repeat password
passwordTooShort= Your password is too short (minimum 6 characters). Please choose a longer password.
passwordsDontMatch=The passwords do not match. Please enter again.
payAmount=Please enter amount and currency for charging your\u000aaccount (max. 15 EUR):
payCreateAccountQuestion=For this Mix cascade, you need a charged anonymous account. You do not have to enter any personal data to create such an account. Would you like to do this now?
payUseAccountQuestion=The Mix cascade you are currently using must be payed. As you already have created an account, JonDo will use this account from now on to pay the cascade.
payWizMethodSelectionTitle=Select a payment method
payWizNoAmount=Please enter an amount
payWizNoMethod=Please select a payment method
payWizWelcomeMessage=<html>This wizard will guide you through the necessary steps<br>for charging your account.</html>
payWizWelcomeTitle=Welcome to the account charging wizard
paymentWizardTitle=Charge account
piServerError= Pay Instance Not Found. Host oder port may be wrong. Maybe try to reset them.
port= Port
quitButton= Exit
quitButtonMn= X
reallyDelete=really delete?
reconnect= Reconnect...
reconnectAfterProxyChangeMsg= JonDo need to reconnect to the anon service in \u000aorder to apply the changes you made. Press "Reconnect" \u000ato apply the changes immediately. Press "Later" \u000aif you want to apply the changes when you connect \u000ato the anon service next time.
serverPanelAdditional=Click for further information
setAnonModeSplashConnect= Connecting to anonymity service ...
setAnonModeSplashDisconnect= Disconnecting from anonymity service ...
setAnonModeSplashTitle= Please wait...
settingsAnonBorder= Anonymity settings
settingsAnonBorder2= Manual settings
settingsAnonFetch= Fetch...
settingsAnonHost= Anon host:
settingsAnonPort= Anon port:
settingsAnonRadio1= Fetch available anon servers from Internet
settingsAnonRadio2= Select anon server
settingsAnonRadio3= Manual configuration
settingsAnonSelect= Select...
settingsDialog= Settings
settingsForwardingClientConfigBorder=Circumvention of internet censorship and filtering
settingsForwardingClientConfigConfirmServerShutdownDialogTitle= Shutdown the forwarding server
settingsForwardingClientConfigConfirmServerShutdownLabel= Forwarding server and forwarding client cannot be running at the same time.<br><br>Shutdown the forwarding server now?
settingsForwardingClientConfigConfirmServerShutdownShutdownButton= Shutdown server
settingsForwardingClientConfigForwardInfoServiceBox= I'm also not able to reach an InfoService directly.
settingsForwardingClientConfigNeedForwarderBox=Connect to other JonDo users in order to reach the anonymisation service.
settingsForwardingServerConfigAllowedCascadesAddButton= Add to allowed cascades
settingsForwardingServerConfigAllowedCascadesAllowAllBox= Allow client access to all available Mix cascades
settingsForwardingServerConfigAllowedCascadesFetchMixCascadesDialogFetchCascadesError= Could not fetch Mix cascades from infoservice.
settingsForwardingServerConfigAllowedCascadesFetchMixCascadesDialogFetchLabel= Fetching information about the Mix cascades from the InfoServices. Please wait...
settingsInfoServiceConfigBasicSettingsDescriptionLabel= InfoServices provide information about running Mix cascades,<br> running forwarders and new versions of the JonDo software.
settingsInfoServiceConfigBasicSettingsFetchInfoServicesButton= Download list
settingsInfoServiceConfigBasicSettingsFetchInfoServicesDialogFetchLabel= Fetching information about the InfoServices from the Internet. Please wait...
settingsRoutingClientAnnounceCascadeConnectError= Connection error! Maybe the forward server is down.
settingsRoutingClientAnnounceCascadeUnknownError= An unknown error occured while announcing the selected Mix cascade.
settingsRoutingClientConfigConnectToForwarderError= Could not connect to the forwarder! Maybe the connection data are outdated or the connection is blocked by a firewall.
settingsRoutingClientConfigConnectToForwarderTitle= Connecting to forwarder...
settingsRoutingClientConfigDialog1MailBorder= Mail request:
settingsRoutingClientConfigDialog1MailInsertButton= Insert data from clipboard
settingsRoutingClientConfigDialog1MailInstructions1= To get the information about a forwarder, please write a mail with the<br>subject <font color="red">GetForwarder en</font> to the address <font color="red">
settingsRoutingClientConfigDialog1MailInstructions2= </font><br>and follow the instructions received with the replied mail after a short time.
settingsRoutingClientConfigDialog1MailNextButton= Next >>>
settingsRoutingClientConfigDialog1MailParseError= An unexpected error occured. Please check whether you have copied the replied data correctly.
settingsRoutingClientGetOfferConnectError= Connection error! The forwarding server seems to be full.
settingsRoutingClientGetOfferUnknownError= An unknown error occured while connecting.
settingsRoutingClientGetOfferVersionError= Version error! The forwarder uses another protocol version. Maybe you have to update the software.
settingsRoutingClientGrabCapchtaImplementationError= Could not find an implementation for the received captcha type. Maybe you have to update your JonDo.
settingsRoutingClientGrabCapchtaInfoServiceError= Could not reach any infoservice or there are no active forwarders.
settingsRoutingClientGrabCaptchaUnknownError= An unexpected error occured. More information is available via the log-system.
settingsRoutingDisabledStatusBorder= Forwarding system state:
settingsRoutingDisabledStatusNothingRunningLabel= State: forwarding client and server not running.
settingsRoutingServerRegistrationEmptyListError= <font color="red">Registration of the local forwarding server at the infoservices failed!</font><br><br>You have not configured the registration infoservices or there is no infoservice<br>with a forwarder list running at the moment.<br><br>You can leave the forwarding server running, but no client will find that server<br>until it is registrated at least at one infoservice.
settingsRoutingServerRegistrationInfoservicesError= <font color="red">Registration of the local forwarding server at the infoservices failed!</font><br><br>No infoservice with a forwarder list could be connected.<br><br>You can leave the forwarding server running, but no client will find that server<br>until it is registrated at least at one infoservice.
settingsRoutingServerRegistrationUnknownError= <font color="red">Registration of the local forwarding server at the infoservices failed!</font><br><br>An unexpected error occured.<br><br>You can leave the forwarding server running, but no client will find that server<br>until it is registrated at least at one infoservice.
settingsRoutingServerRegistrationVerificationError= <font color="red">Registration of the local forwarding server at the infoservices failed!</font><br><br>The infoservices could not verify the local forwarding server. Check whether your firewall<br>and your router is configurated properly. Also the number of connections within the forwarding server<br>expert-settings needs to be at least one.<br><br>You can leave the forwarding server running, but no client will find that server<br>until it is registrated at least at one infoservice.
settingsRoutingServerStatusBorder= Forwarding server state:
settingsRoutingServerStatusLabelStateRegistrationDisabled= State: server is running, but the <font color="red">registration process is not started.</font>.
settingsRoutingServerStatusLabelStateRegistrationFailed= State: server is running, but at the moment it has <font color="red">no registration at any InfoService</font>.
settingsRoutingServerStatusLabelStateRegistrationInitiated= State: server is running and the <font color="#FFFF33">registration process is initiated...</font>
settingsRoutingServerStatusLabelStateRegistrationSuccessful= State: <font color="#00C000">server is running and registrated at the InfoServices.</font>
settingsRoutingServerStatusRegistrationErrorLabelConnectionFailed= Reason of error: could not connect to any InfoService with forwarder list.
settingsRoutingServerStatusRegistrationErrorLabelNoKnownInfoServices= Reason of error: no InfoService with a forwarder list known.
settingsRoutingServerStatusRegistrationErrorLabelUnknownReason= Reason of error: an unknown error occured.
settingsRoutingServerStatusRegistrationErrorLabelVerificationFailed= Reason of error: the InfoServices could not connect to our forwarding server.
settingsRoutingStartServerError=Error while starting the forwarding server
settingsautoConnectCheckBox= Auto connect after program start
settingsautoReConnectCheckBox= Auto re-connect after connection to Mix was lost
startBrowserText=The browser doesn't start automatically. Please open a browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc.) by hand and browse to the website below. Please fill in the following transaction number:
startButton= Start
startButtonMn= S
statusCannotConnect= Cannot connect to Mix.
statusCannotStartListener= Cannot start Listener.
statusNotRunning= not running
statusRunning= running
statusUnknown= unknown
stopButton= Stop
torBorderAvailableRouters=Available TOR nodes
torBorderPreferences=Preferences for anonymous routing
torBttnFetchRouters=Fetch list
torErrorFetchRouters=Error while downloading the Tor server list.
torPrefMaxPathLen=Maximum number of nodes per connection:
torPrefMinPathLen=Minimal number of nodes per connection:
torPrefPathSwitchTime=Change route all x connections:
unrealBytesDesc=The accounting instance is requesting to confirm a number of transferred bytes that seems to be odd. This can be because the accounting instance is trying to cheat. But it is more likely that a cost confirmation got lost during the previous session. Do you want to confirm the number of transferred bytes?
unrealBytesDifference=The difference between the expected number of bytes<br>and the number of bytes the accounting instance is requesting to confirm is:
updateDownloadIntroductionMessage= <html>The new JAP.jar file will be downloaded now.<br>Please have some patience until the download is finished.</html>
updateFetchVersionInfo= Fetching Version Info - Please wait...
updateFetchVersionInfoFailed= Fetching version info - FAILED!\u000aPlease check InfoService settings.
updateFinishMessage= <html>The updating has finished now.<br>Click the 'Finish' button to exit JonDo.<br>Restart JonDo afterwards.<br>If there are any problems after restarting JonDo<br>you can find a backup of the JAP.jar file here:</html>
updateInformationMsgStep1= Saving of JAP.jar failed.
updateInformationMsgStep2= Error while downloading. Download aborted.
updateInformationMsgStep2_noDirectConn=You have disallowed non-anonymous contact to the update server, but you are currently not connected to any anonymizer service. Would you like to allow non-anonymous connections to the update server by now?
updateInformationMsgStep3= Creation of the new JAP.jar file failed.
updateInformationMsgStep4= Could not verify the downloaded file!
updateInformationMsgStep5= Writing the new JAP.jar file failed.
updateIntroductionMessage= <html>To apply the update on a newer version some information is needed.<br>You can see below which JonDo software is going to be updated.<br>Please check that it is the proper file<br>resp. have an other choice.</html>
updateLabelDate= Date:
updateM_DeletingofJAP_new.jarfailed=The temporary file JAP_new.jar could not be deleted.
updateM_SelectedJapJarDoesNotExist=The selected file does not exist.
updateM_bttnBack= < Back
updateM_bttnCancel= Cancel
updateM_bttnFinish= Finish
updateM_bttnHelp= Help
updateM_bttnNext= Next >
updateM_chooseFolder_bttn= Search
updateM_doIncrementalUpdate=Incremental update - only parts which have changed are downloaded
updateM_doIncrementalUpdateHint=In case the incremental update does not work please do a full update.
updateM_fileChooserApprove_bttn= Select
updateM_fileChooserDialogFileNotExists= The selected file does not exist.
updateM_fileChooserDialogNotAFile= You have selected a folder, not a file.
updateM_fileChooserTitle= Select file
updateM_labelClickNext= <html>Having chosen the proper file, click the next button.</html>
updateM_labelStep2= <html><b>2. Downloading the new JAP.jar file.</b></html>
updateM_labelStep3Part1= <html><b>3. Creating the new JAP.jar as
updateM_labelStep3Part2= </b></html>
updateM_labelStep5= <html><b>4. Overwriting the previous version of JAP.jar</b></html>
updateReleaseVersion=Release version
updateTitel_Update-WizardFertig=End the update wizard
updateTitleBorderInstalled= Installed version
updateTitleBorderLatest= Latest version
updateWelcomeWizardPageTitle= Informations on updating to version {0}
usedAccount= Used account
validFrom=Valid from
validTo= Valid to
version= Version
westPath= west.gif
youShouldUpdate=You have elected not to download the new JonDo version. It might be not longer possible to use the anonymity function of the old version due to \u000apossible compatibility. You may always make up for the update by clicking the link "{0}" in the upper right corner of the main window or, if you prefer a manual download, get the new version from our website: